Adolescent Skin Problems
During the years between 12 and 18, overactive hormones stimulate the sebaceous sweat glands to produce oily skin, plug pores and cause acne. These problems, when exacerbated, cause white heads, black heads, pimples, papules, pustules or zits. Acne can occur anywhere on your upper torso and face. Acne is not caused by dirt or chocolate--it is caused by your own individual hormones. Acne can continue to plague you into adulthood.
Whiteheads and blackheads are called comedones. These occur when the hair follicle gets blocked with oil and bacteria.
Pimples and pustules are small, red 'zits' also caused by a clogged hair follicle.
Pustules are larger 'zits' that are very painful and have pus in the center.
Do not pick at your acne, as this can push more bacteria into the pimple and cause it to get worse. Washing your skin with a wash cloth each night to remove the top layer of dead skin cells will help keep the hair follicles from getting plugged. Over-the-counter acne soap that contains benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, salicylic acid or Retin A will help in exfoliation. See a doctor if your acne cannot be controlled by over-the-counter acne treatments as scarring can occur if acne is not treated.
Warts are common in adolescents. Warts are caused by a viral infection and usually start to go away after a few months or up to a few years. Warts can spread, so do not pick at them. You can purchase liquid nitrogen medication over the counter that can burn the warts off.
Scabies are a common adolescent skin rash caused by a mite. The rash usually infects the hands, but can be anywhere on the body. Your doctor will need to give you a prescription medication to treat everyone in your family because scabies is very contagious.
Impetigo is a skin rash characterized by red and white pustules. Impetigo is caused by bacteria and can be treated with triple antibiotic ointment. If over-the-counter triple antibiotic ointment does not work, see your doctor quickly. Impetigo left untreated can turn into the MRSA virus or Methcillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aurea. MRSA is a serious infection that can cause death if not treated immediately.
Herpes is a very common sexually transmitted disease, which can affect the mouth or genitals. Symptoms are cold sores and fever blisters in and around your mouth. Herpes rashes tend to come and go as long as you are a carrier of the herpes virus. There is no cure for herpes, but it can lessen over time.