What is guys puberty?
During puberty, boys will experience several physical and emotional changes. These changes can be difficult to understand and can cause boys to feel self-conscious.
Some of the physical changes that boys may experience during puberty include:
* Growth spurt. Between 10 and 16, boys experience a sudden increase in growth. Their arms, legs, and torsos become longer, and they usually gain weight.
* Voice changes. Boys' voices deepen as their vocal cords grow longer and thicker. Their voice may crack or change in pitch for a while before it settles into its adult tone.
* Facial and body hair growth. Boys will start to develop hair on their faces, chests, arms, and legs. Their hair may also become darker and thicker.
* Genital development. Boys' testicles and penis will grow larger. They will also start to ejaculate semen, which is the fluid that contains sperm.
* Erections and wet dreams. Boys will start to have erections (hardening of the penis) more frequently. They may also have wet dreams, which are dreams that cause boys to ejaculate semen.
Some of the emotional changes that boys may experience during puberty include:
* Mood swings. Boys may experience sudden mood swings, from feeling happy and excited to feeling sad and angry.
* Increased risk-taking behavior. Boys may engage in more dangerous or risky behavior, such as fighting, drinking alcohol, and using drugs.
* Withdrawal from family and friends. Boys may start to spend more time alone or with friends than with their families. They may also become less interested in activities they used to enjoy.
* Concerned about sexual orientation. Some boys may worry that they are gay or bisexual, especially if they are not attracted to girls or start having same-sex fantasies.
Puberty Can be a Difficult Time for Boys
Boys may feel self-conscious about their changing bodies and emotions, and they may worry about how others perceive them. It is important for parents, teachers, and other adults to be understanding and supportive during this time. With the right support, boys can navigate puberty successfully and emerge into adulthood as healthy, well-adjusted individuals.