If they have hypothiodism means with age attend the puberty?
In children and adolescents, thyroid hormone is essential for normal growth and development. It helps to regulate metabolism, bone growth, and sexual maturation. Without enough thyroid hormone, children may experience growth delays, delayed puberty, and other health problems.
The age at which puberty begins varies from person to person, but it typically occurs between the ages of 10 and 14 in girls and 12 and 16 in boys. If a child with hypothyroidism is not treated, they may not reach puberty until they are much older, or they may not reach puberty at all.
Treatment for hypothyroidism typically involves taking thyroid hormone replacement medication. This medication can help to improve symptoms and prevent complications, including delayed puberty. If a child with hypothyroidism is treated early, they can usually reach puberty at a normal age.
In some cases, hypothyroidism can be caused by a genetic condition. If this is the case, the person may need to take thyroid hormone replacement medication for the rest of their life. However, most cases of hypothyroidism are not caused by a genetic condition, and they can be treated successfully with medication.