How do you know when have finished puberty?
* Growth spurt: Boys typically experience a growth spurt during puberty, with a rapid increase in height and weight.
* Development of secondary sexual characteristics: These include growth of the testicles and penis, the appearance of pubic hair, underarm hair, and facial hair, deepening of the voice, and broadening of the shoulders.
* Increased muscle mass: Boys typically gain muscle mass and develop broader chests and shoulders during puberty.
* Sperm production: Boys typically start to produce sperm during puberty. This can be tested with a semen analysis.
In females:
* Breast development: Girls typically experience breast development during puberty, with an increase in size and firmness of the breasts and the development of breast tissue.
* Menarche: This is the first menstrual period. Menarche typically occurs between the ages of 12 and 15 years, but it can be earlier or later.
* Development of secondary sexual characteristics: These include growth of pubic hair, underarm hair, and leg hair, widening of the hips, and smoothing out of the figure.
* Increased body fat: Girls typically gain body fat and develop a more rounded figure during puberty.
It's important to note that the timing and progression of puberty can vary widely among individuals. There is no exact timeline that applies to everyone, and some people may experience different signs of puberty at different times. If you have any concerns about your child's puberty development, it's a good idea to talk to your child's doctor.