What do boys get when they go through puberty?
Physical changes:
- Increased production of hormones, including testosterone
- Growth spurt, with increased height and weight
- Development of facial and body hair
- Deepening of the voice
- Increased muscle mass
- Development of genitals, including testes and penis
- Pubic hair growth
- Skin changes, such as acne
- Increased sweating
- Body odor
Emotional changes:
- Mood swings
- Irritability
- Impulsiveness
- Increased risk-taking
- Heightened sexual desire
- Increased interest in peers
- Emotional outbursts
- Difficulty concentrating
- Increased independence
- Difficulty with social interactions
- Self-consciousness
- Increased sleepiness
- Increased appetite
It's important to note that every boy goes through puberty at his own pace and may not experience all of these changes at the same time or to the same degree.