What are the risks for early onset puberty boys and girls?

Risks for Early Onset Puberty in Boys

* Social and emotional problems. Boys who experience early puberty may feel different from their peers and may be teased or bullied. They may also have difficulty adjusting to the physical changes that come with puberty, such as increased muscle mass, a deeper voice, and facial hair.

* Academic problems. Boys who experience early puberty may have difficulty concentrating in school and may be more likely to drop out. They may also be more likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as substance abuse and unprotected sex.

* Health problems. Boys who experience early puberty may be at increased risk for developing certain health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. They may also be more likely to experience early sexual maturation, which can lead to pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Risks for Early Onset Puberty in Girls

* Social and emotional problems. Girls who experience early puberty may feel different from their peers and may be teased or bullied. They may also have difficulty adjusting to the physical changes that come with puberty, such as breast development, menstruation, and changes in body shape.

* Academic problems. Girls who experience early puberty may have difficulty concentrating in school and may be more likely to drop out. They may also be more likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as substance abuse and unprotected sex.

* Health problems. Girls who experience early puberty may be at increased risk for developing certain health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, and breast cancer. They may also be more likely to experience early pregnancy, which can lead to health problems for both the mother and the baby.

It is important to note that not all boys and girls who experience early puberty will experience these risks. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks so that you can take steps to help your child cope with the challenges of early puberty.

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