Reasons for Teen Drug Abuse
Family Risk Factors
Many risk factors for teenage drug abuse are associated with the family environment. For example, teenagers who grew up in a chaotic home environment, didn't have a positive relationship with an adult or lived with a caregiver who abuses drugs or alcohol are more likely to abuse drugs. Ineffective parenting, a lack of parental supervision and a lack of nurturing also increase a teenager's risk of drug abuse.
Risk Factors Outside The Family
More risk factors for drug abuse include academic struggles, aggression, impulsiveness and other inappropriate behavior in the classroom. Other factors include association with friends or classmates who abuse drugs, poor social skills and a belief that drug abuse is acceptable.
Reasons for Teen Drug Abuse
Teenagers choose to take drugs for a variety of reasons. For example, teenagers may be curious about what it feels like to be "high," or they may have heard stories about drugs from their peers. Some teenagers feel pressured to take drugs in order to be cool or fit in. Teenagers may use drugs to cope with stress or anxiety, and some teenagers have seen their parents use legal or illegal drugs to cope with problems. Teenagers also receive messages from movies, songs and other media that drugs are cool or acceptable.
Reasons for Teen Prescription Drug Abuse
Teenagers take prescription drugs prescribed for others for several reasons, such as to study more effectively, lose weight or relax. Teenagers may find it easier to get prescription drugs than other illegal drug if family members have a condition that requires prescription drugs. Some teenagers may also believe that prescription drugs are safer than other drugs because they are prescribed by doctors. Opioids, central nervous system depressants and stimulants represent the most commonly abused prescription drugs. Teenagers also abuse over-the-counter drugs such as cough medicine.