How to Motivate Teenagers to Diet
Motivating your teenager to adopt healthy eating habits is challenging because teens can be stubborn and set in their ways. Being overweight can affect your child's self-esteem and increase the risk of diabetes, joint and bone problems, heart disease, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and social and psychological problems. There are many reasons why a teen can be overweight, including family history, overeating, lack of exercise and depression. Encouraging your child to diet has to be done in a honest, loving way so that your child will work with you instead of against you.Instructions
Establish open lines of communication from a young age so that when problematic issues arise they will be easier to talk about. Let your child know that they can talk to you about anything.
Introduce the subject of dieting gradually. Avoid having a serious sit-down and making a big deal about your child's weight. Ask your child if he's bothered by people commenting on his weight or about having to wear larger sizes. Offer to help him do something about it.
Acknowledge how hard it is to eat healthfully and make the right choices. Avoid blaming your teen for being overweight or making them feel guilty for it. Focus on the positive side of being healthy such as having increased self-esteem and more energy. Mention all the things you like about your teen such as their eyes, hair and sense of humor. Let your child know that your love is unconditional.
Make eating healthy and adopting a healthy lifestyle a family effort so your child doesn't feel singled out and is willing to participate. Provide healthier meals that include vegetables, grains and fruits. Gradually introduce healthy foods such as a salad during dinner or fruits for dessert. Organize family activities such as walks in the park and visits to your local recreational center.
Set short-term, realistic goals and reward your teen when he or she reaches them. Praise your child when you notice him or her making healthy choices because it will provide motivation to stick with the healthier eating plan.