How to Keep Fit When You Are Under 16
Join a sport at school or through organizations in your community. Find an activity you enjoy, whether it's football or cheerleading, to help you maintain an active lifestyle. Some sports are seasonal, so pick two or three different ones to keep active all year. Sign up for PE classes at school.
Attend sports summer camps. There is a wide variety of football, soccer and other types of sports camps that can help you stay fit when school is not in session.
Limit your time playing video games, using a computer and watching television. A sedentary lifestyle will lead to weight gain. Instead, spend your free time playing sports or participating in other activities outdoors.
Avoid soda. Soft drinks cause weight gain because of the high amount of sugar and empty calories. High-fructose corn syrup, a common sweetener in many soft drinks and other snacks, is a culprit in weight gain.
Avoid junk food. Limit the amount of fast food, cookies, chips and other foods with little nutritional value. If you are eating at a fast-food restaurant with family or friends, choose a salad or grilled sandwich option. Skip the fried side dishes.
Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. You can munch carrot sticks or fruit as a snack or pack them as part of a healthy lunch. Also eat vegetables as a side dish at dinner. Restrict your intake of French fries -- the No. 1 vegetable eaten by kids and teenagers.
Eat whole grains and lean protein. Whole grains are a good source of fiber, which will help you maintain a healthy weight. Avoid red meat and eat more chicken, turkey and fish.