How to Promote Teen Health
Teach teenagers about exercise. Staying fit and keeping motivated helps keep the metabolism running strong. In teenage years the metabolism in the human body is usually running at a pretty good speed, according to "Fit to be Well." But as people age into adulthood, the metabolism can slow down, just like they do. To stay fit and healthy it is important for teens and adults to get plenty of exercise each day, at least 30 minutes, five days a week.
Inform teenagers about healthful eating choices. Promoting nutritious snacking is one of the quickest steps to promoting teen health. If they chose fruits and vegetables over junk food, they will be helping keep their bodies healthy. Also, teaching them to cook will help keep them out of the fast food restaurants, which, according to "Fit to be Well," are one of the great leaders in turning the world obese.
Emphasize how important checkups with a physician are. It is important to get vaccines and immunizations when they are due. Teenagers learn by example, so showing them the proper way to stay healthy will generally make them follow that proper lead. A yearly physical, according to "Lifetime Physical Fitness & Wellness," can mean early detection and prevention.
Bring back healthcare in schools by being an advocate for this topic. Children learn when they are in school and proper classes can help educate teenagers in health. If they learn how to take care of themselves at school and at home, they will likely follow what they have learned.