How to Prevent Teen Obesity
Enroll your children in athletic activities. When your children are young, allow them to try out different sports to find out what they enjoy. Keeping your children active will help them keep excess weight at bay as they enter their teenage years.
Encourage your children to play outside and limit the amount of time they spend watching television and playing video games. Staying inside and playing video games contribute to teenage weight gain. Bring your children to the park, community pool or take them outside to go sledding or ice skating during winter months. Teach your children that remaining active is not hard work but can be a lot of fun. Set a good example by making exercise part of your daily routine.
Teach your children the importance of healthy eating and, again, lead by example. Feed your children whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean protein. If they get used to eating healthy as young children, they are more likely to continue to make healthy food choices as they get older.
Prepare meals ahead of time. Making meals at home can be difficult when schedules are packed full. Take time once a week to cook meals for the remainder of the week. You can make meals, such as baked chicken, that you an freeze, then thaw as needed. If you have meals ready to go at home, you can avoid eating fast food when you are strapped for time.
Eliminate sugary drinks from your children's diet. The extra calories can easily pack on the pounds. Drinking plenty of water is not only good for your children's health, it also promotes healthy weight loss and maintenance.