What age group is mostly affected by TB?
1. Children and Adolescents: Children under 15 years old and adolescents are at higher risk of developing TB due to their immature immune systems and close contact with infected individuals.
2. Young Adults: Young adults between 15 and 35 years old are another vulnerable group, particularly in high-burden areas. This is often attributed to factors such as social and occupational risks, lifestyle choices, and delayed or inadequate healthcare access.
3. Elderly: The elderly population, especially those over 65 years old, is also at increased risk of TB due to weakened immune systems and underlying medical conditions that can increase susceptibility to infection.
4. Immunocompromised Individuals: People with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS, diabetes, or undergoing certain medications or treatments, are more likely to develop TB.
5. Inmates and Prison Populations: Incarcerated individuals are often at higher risk of TB due to overcrowded conditions, poor ventilation, and limited access to healthcare services.
6. Homeless and Marginalized Populations: Individuals who are homeless, living in poverty, or experiencing substance use disorders are at increased risk of TB debido a una combinación de factores que incluyen hacinamiento, mala nutrición y acceso limitado a la atención médica.
It's important to note that TB can affect people of any age, but the groups mentioned above are generally considered more vulnerable to the infection.