What does late adolescence mean?
Physical changes during late adolescence include:
* Increased height and weight: Most people reach their full adult height during late adolescence. They may also gain a significant amount of weight, as their muscle mass increases.
* Changes in body composition: The body composition of many people changes during late adolescence, as they lose fat and gain muscle. This is due to changes in hormones, as well as increased physical activity.
* Development of secondary sexual characteristics: Secondary sexual characteristics, such as breasts and pubic hair, continue to develop during late adolescence.
* Changes in skin and hair: The skin may become oilier and acne may develop. The hair may also become thicker and darker.
Cognitive changes during late adolescence include:
* Increased ability to think abstractly: Late adolescents are able to think more abstractly than they did during early adolescence. They are better able to understand complex concepts and to reason about hypothetical situations.
* Increased ability to plan and organize: Late adolescents are also better able to plan and organize their activities. They are able to set goals and to develop strategies for achieving them.
* Increased ability to solve problems: Late adolescents are better able to solve problems than they were during early adolescence. They are able to identify problems, develop solutions, and evaluate the effectiveness of those solutions.
Emotional changes during late adolescence include:
* Increased mood swings: Late adolescents may experience more mood swings than they did during early adolescence. This is due to changes in hormones, as well as increased stress.
* Increased independence: Late adolescents may feel a greater need for independence from their parents and other adults. They may want to make their own decisions and to have more control over their lives.
* Increased risk taking: Late adolescents may be more likely to take risks than they did during early adolescence. This is due to a number of factors, including increased impulsivity, decreased risk perception, and increased sensation seeking.
Late adolescence is a time of significant change. It is a time of growth and development, as well as a time of challenges and opportunities.