What is the average age of noticalbe signs puberty and what are stages in guys?
Stages of puberty in boys
1. Testicular enlargement: The testes start to grow larger, and the scrotum becomes darker and thicker.
2. Pubic hair: Pubic hair begins to grow at the base of the penis and spreads to the pubic area.
3. Penile enlargement: The penis begins to grow longer and wider.
4. Erections: Erections become more frequent and may occur without any sexual stimulation.
5. Growth spurt: Boys may experience a sudden growth spurt during puberty.
6. Voice change: The voice deepens and becomes lower-pitched.
7. Facial hair: Facial hair begins to grow, starting with the upper lip and chin.
8. Muscle development: Boys gain muscle mass and become stronger.
9. Sperm production: The testes start to produce sperm, which can be ejaculated during ejaculation.
It is important to note that puberty is a natural process, and there is no need to be embarrassed about it. If you have any questions or concerns about puberty, talk to your doctor.