What Is the Importance of Teens Exercising?
The American Psychological Association estimates that approximately 30 percent of children and teens between the ages of 6 and 17 are overweight. Obesity significantly increases the risk of chronic health conditions such as heart diseases, diabetes and stroke. Teens who are overweight can benefit from regular exercise as a safe way to lose weight, improve heart health and reduce the risk of chronic illness in adulthood. Consult a doctor, however, before beginning an exercise and weight loss regimen.
Academic Performance
Being physically active can have a positive effect on academic performance. In the January 2012 issue of "JAMA Pediatrics," researchers theorize that the increased delivery of oxygen to the brain that occurs during exercise supports the growth of new nerve cells and synaptic plasticity that improves cognition and overall brain function.
Regular physical activity can raise the spirits of moody teenagers in many cases. MayoClinic.com explains that exercise is a natural anti-depressant for a variety of reasons, including the production of mood-boosting endorphins that occurs with exercise. Exercise can also reduce stress, a feeling experienced by most teens as their bodies and self-image are ever-changing and the demands of school and work increase. "Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise" reports that teens who are physically active through organized sports and other forms of exercise are less likely to exhibit suicidal behaviors than those who are more sedentary. The fact that exercise can serve as a weight management tool for teens who need it also contributes to improved mental health. University of Missouri researchers found that overweight adolescents feel more anxious and lonely than their slimmer counterparts.
Warning Signs
Exercise is important for teens but overdoing it can be dangerous. The risk of overuse injuries such as muscle pulls and strains increases the more teens exercise. An obsession with exercise can indicate an exercise addiction or possible eating disorder in some adolescents, according to The Nemours Foundation. Warning signs to look for include becoming disinterested in friends, school and hobbies due to increased workout hours, seeing a drop in grades or study habits and feeling guilty when missing a workout. Consult a physician or mental health professional if you or a friend or family member experience any of these symptoms.
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