How to Discourage My Daughter From Getting Piercings
Tell her about the medical conditions or physical limitations that may compromise her ability to get a piercing, such as diabetes, irritated skin where she wants to get the piercing, certain heart conditions and certain allergies. As her parent, you should know her medical history. If she has any condition that may be negatively affected by her piercing, or that may prevent her piercing from healing properly, tell her. Have her doctor talk to her about how any serious condition she might have relates to piercings.
Tell your daughter that many people consider piercings unattractive. Explain that she may reduce her chances of being able to get a good job, if she has a visible piercing. Remind her that she will be unable to kiss anyone for several months, if it is an oral piercing. Remind her that she will have to religiously take care of the piercing while it heals.
Inform her about the risks and side effects of body piercing. Tell her that HIV and other diseases have the potential to be contracted through piercing equipment, if it has not been properly sterilized. Tell her about the nasty infections that a piercing may develop, if bacteria is introduced into the piercing site. Tell her about the allergic reactions that some people develop or the nerve damage that may occur at the site of the piercing. Tell her about the risks of chipping her teeth with oral piercing jewelry. Better yet, have her doctor -- or dentist, if she wants an oral piercing -- talk with her about these and other possible risks.
Simply tell your daughter that you have not given her your consent to get a piercing. In the United States you must be 18 years of age or older, in order to get a piercing -- other than a standard ear piercing -- without parental consent. If she is a minor, she will have to respect your wishes.