How to Develop a Positive Self-Concept
Things You'll Need
- Writing paper
- Scissors
- Empty jar
Write down a list of things you've accomplished. You can limit your list to the past year, or you can list all of the important things you've achieved in life. Don't just write down the things for which you've received awards. Accomplishments can be as small as learning to ride a bike. This list should remind you that you have strengths and gifts that you should be proud of.
List positive affirmations on another sheet of writing paper. An affirmation is an idea that you'll repeat to yourself to develop a sense of confidence and self worth. Some examples include "I am beautiful," "I am getting better every day" or "Every goal of mine is within reach." Once you've filled a sheet of paper with affirmations, cut out each one so that it's a small strip of paper. Put the strips of paper in an empty glass jar and pull one out each day. Over time, you'll come to believe in yourself and develop an optimistic outlook.
Set realistic, measurable goals each day. For example, make time for 30 minutes of exercise or reduce the amount of time you spend reading gossip blogs. As you reach these goals, you'll feel better about your ability to make the right decisions.
Reminisce with family or old friends on days in your past, before you became mature, successful or responsible. As you reflect on your journey, give yourself credit for how far you've come. Realize that you'll be able to face things in your future because of all you've overcome in the past. This sense of self-assurance is a sure step toward a positive self-concept.