Summer Camps for Teens With Weight Problems
Not only will your teenager lose weight at a weight loss summer camp, but she will also learn about proper nutrition and its importance, a variety of exercises that are enjoyable and effective, and gain the knowledge she needs to continue losing weight and keep it off after leaving the camp. She will also have a better self-image and self-esteem once the camp is over, not to mention meeting new people who share the same issues she does.
Nutrition and Exercise
Weight loss camps for teens typically revolve around not only the importance of health, but also what and how to eat as well as exercises that are effective for weight loss. A good weight loss program offers nutritious and well-balanced meals with the option to eat vegetarian meals if he requests it. Exercises vary and often give the teenager a choice of what he wants to do such as swimming, walking and hiking, aerobics, weight training, yoga and pilates as well as other fitness-related activities.
What to Look For
When choosing a weight loss summer camp for your teen, you want to first make a list of what you want from the camp and things to avoid. You may want to visit your teen whenever you see fit and keep in contact with her, get a schedule of her nutrition and fitness routines, be able to verify references of counselors and staff and have a camp with medically-trained professionals and doctors on staff. Things to avoid may include counselors or staff with limited weight loss experience, strenuous and unrealistic workout routines and limited nutrition options. Do your homework and research any weight loss program you are considering to be sure they follow appropriate health and nutrition guidelines.
Where to Find a Camp
Summer camps for teens with weight issues are available nationwide, but not necessarily within driving distance from where you live. To find one locally, contact your family doctor, local nutritionists and weight loss centers for references on weight loss camps in your area. Other ways to find a camp include talking to other parents of overweight teens, the local high school, community centers and the Internet.
The main disadvantage of enrolling your teenager in a weight loss summer camp is the cost. Most of them range between $800 and $1,000 a week, and could be more if they have extra amenities such as a spa or horseback riding. Camps can run you between $4,000 and $8,000 for the summer, depending on the length of camp, location and activities they offer.