Help for Troubled Teens in Norfolk, VA
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous, also known as A.A., is an international organization dedicated to aiding individuals in the struggle for sobriety. Alcoholics gather at meetings in local areas to support each other in the struggle to quit drinking and remain sober. Alcoholics Anonymous accepts people of all ages including teens. Participation is free, although groups do accept small donations to help pay rent ans purchase literature. Find an A.A. meeting near Norfolk, Virginia, on the Alcoholics Anonymous website.
The Pines Residential Treatment Center
With three locations in Virginia, the Pines Residential Treatment Center serves teens and kids from ages 5 to 21 years old. Opened in 1986, the Pines provides intermediate and long-term care. The Kempsville Center, one of the Pines locations, is located in Norfolk, Virginia. This location specializes in male and female children age 5 to 21 suffering from behavioral problems, emotional disturbances and psychiatric illness. This location provides separate services for troubled children and adolescents as well as inpatient and outpatient treatments. Inpatient service stays average between 10 to 60 days, depending on the program and needs of each individual teen.
West Neck Creek Equestrian Center, Inc
A common aspect of some teen boarding schools and help centers revolves around equine therapy. Equine therapy uses horses to instill values and responsibility as well as assist with psychological issues. According to Equine Therapy Programs, working with horses helps "lower blood pressure and heart rate, increase beta-endorphin levels, decrease stress levels, reduce feelings of anger, hostility, tension and anxiety, improve social functioning, and increase feelings of empowerment, trust, patience and self-esteem." The West Neck Creek Equestrian Center in Virginia Beach approximately 20 miles from Norfolk offers riding lessons and a summer camp. Enroll your troubled teen in one of these programs or encourage him to volunteer at West Neck Creek Equestrian Center.
Take your troubled teen to speak with a registered therapist for counseling services. According to My Troubled Teen, counseling helps with problems at home including defiance and lying. Combine teen counseling sessions with family counseling sessions for cohesion and treatment of all issues facing the family rather than centering out just your adolescent. When searching for a counselor choose one with similar values to yours, a goal-centered approach and the ability to be honest even when difficult to do so. Various psychologists exist within Norfolk including Dr. Rebecca Thomas, Dr. Ross Lawrence, Dr. Susan Garvey and Dr. Kimberly Gamble.