Facts About Performance Enhancing Drugs
According to the Mayo Clinic, in addition to improving an individual's overall athletic performance, performance enhancing drugs ward off fatigue, allowing the user to work out for longer periods of time, and increase muscle mass, which improve physical appearance.
There are a number of different performance enhancing drugs available, including creatine, anabolic steroids such as tetrahydrogestrinone, diuretics, androstenedione and stimulants such as amphetamines. All have different effects, a complete list of which can be found at the Mayo Clinic.
Performance enhancing drugs are available in a number of forms, including pills, powders (primarily creatine), topical applications and intravenous injections (primarily anabolic steroids).
Side Effects
Performance enhancing drugs come with many potential side effects including acne, hirsutism, gynecomastia, depression and dehydration, among many others.
Some performance enhancing drugs, such as creatine, are available over-the-counter as supplements, while others are available only via prescription. According to the Mayo Clinic, this has resulted in a "black market" for certain types of steroids.