Characteristics of Alcohol Dependency in Adolescents
Alcohol Abuse Versus Alcohol Dependency
Alcohol abuse is drinking that interferes with daily living, but has not yet become a physical addiction. Abusers drink even when the situation is dangerous, such as driving under the influence. They display poor judgment when dealing with personal, social or work problems. Alcohol-dependent individuals show the same signs as alcohol abusers, but also experience withdrawal symptoms that can only be relieved by more alcohol or drug treatments. They are unable to monitor or control the amount of alcohol they drink and experience alcohol cravings if they try to stop drinking completely.
Risks During Adolescence
Adolescents are at higher risk as they become involved in social events which center around alcohol and in which peer pressure can lead to binge drinking. As young adults experience major life changes, they may begin to use alcohol as a means of coping with stressful situations. Acting Surgeon General Kenneth Moritsugu indicated in a 2007 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services news release that those who begin drinking "before the age of 15 are five times more likely to have alcohol-related problems later in life."
It may be difficult to distinguish between normal adolescent behavior and that which indicates that alcohol dependency is a factor. Changes in behavior such as a sudden drop in school grades, stealing, verbal or physical abuse towards others, excessive mood swings and lying are warning signs. Alcohol smell on breath or clothing plus secretive behavior may also indicate excessive alcohol use.
During adolescence, brain functions are developing and high levels of alcohol use can have long-term damaging effects on the brain's structure and performance. Studies by the National Institutes of Health have shown that alcohol dependent adolescents have difficulty with verbal and nonverbal tests, scoring lower than normal. Alcohol dependent adolescents often experience "blackouts" in which they are unable to remember recent experiences. They are more likely to have problems paying attention and have a higher likelihood of engaging in dangerous sexual activity, such as unprotected sex.
Physical symptoms of alcohol dependency often show up the morning after a heavy drinking period or after long term alcohol use. Poor eating habits or lack of interest in foods that were normally appealing is common. When an alcohol-dependent adolescent stops drinking suddenly, he experiences withdrawal symptoms such as shaking, sweating and nausea.