Residential Treatment Centers for Adolescents
Residential treatment centers for adolescents are 24 hour residential programs licensed by the state which are designed to provide treatment and services to children under the age of 18 who have been diagnosed with mental, emotional or behavioral problems.
There are several types of facilities, including school-based and home-based, both of which allow for the adolescent to interact with the community. Clinical hospital-based programs are generally for short term cases where there is a need for a more protective environment. School-based and home-based programs are typically designed for extended stays.
Residential treatment centers must meet licensing requirements by submitting a notarized application and other documentation required by the state as well as satisfactorily passing an inspection. License fees are sometimes determined by the number of beds at the facility. Therapeutic group homes are limited to a smaller number of beds.
Residential treatment centers for adolescents may offer services such as individual and group counseling, social skills training, vocational training for older students, education support, family support and 12 step substance abuse programs.
Among the professionals who work with adolescents are teachers, licensed professional counselors, licensed substance abuse counselors, licensed clinical social workers, recreational therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists and residential supervisors.
Cost of Treatment
The cost of treatment in this type of facility is more than that of boarding schools. Monthly costs can range anywhere from $4,000 to $11,000. Some of the cost may be covered by the parents' health insurance.
Residential treatment centers may be a good option for teens in need of long term help, such as those who have a problem with drugs or alcohol or who have behavior problems at school. Teens who have emotional problems can also benefit from residential treatment centers. Others who need long term help are those who have gone back to old behavior patterns after going through other programs and teens who suffer from severe depression or suicidal tendencies. Teens who have only moderate problems or who have just started to exhibit negative behavior may not need the services of a residential treatment center.