How to Treat Teenage Drug Use
Find out what drugs your teen is using and how often. This can be tricky, especially if your teen is secretive or avoids communication. If a frank discussion is not possible, then go underground. Talk to your teen's friends or acquaintances.
Use assessment tools on websites or talk to the family doctor. Sometimes, even without hard evidence, there are signs of drug use in a teen's personality. Put together a plan for approaching the issue.
Reach out to your teen. Be prepared for this conversation to last a nanosecond, though it may not. The message to deliver, if only in that nanosecond, is the following: "I know. I am concerned. We need to deal with this."
Understand the difference between occasional use and addiction, and even more importantly, the differences among drugs. Many websites and community resources have this type of information.
Talk to your teen about occasional use, if there are no signs of addiction. Point out drug use is often illegal and trouble with the law can follow them along in life. Be persistent, even if your teen gets up and walks out.
Deal with an addiction situation, and do not give up. One conversation probably will not do it, nor even two or three. Ask other people your teen respects and wants to please to help you deliver a message of concern, love, support and the need to act.
Seek professional advice on how best to treat the addiction, using as much information as you have. Not every treatment works for every person, and each addiction is as different as the teen it affects.
Take the steps designed for your teen's situation. This starts with getting the teen to agree to treatment, and it may take a long time to get past that step. Remember a treatment step may fail, but that does not mean giving up.