What Are the Causes of Teen Drug Abuse?

Teen drug addiction doesn't just affect the teen, it affects the whole family. There is always some sort of cause as to why a teenager has gone down the path of drug addiction and whenever faced with a drug addicted teen, a parent's first question is usually "Why this?" Here are some reasons that a teen may become a drug addict.
  1. Parental Supervision

    • Not watching a teenager can have some harmful effects. While a parent cannot monitor their teenager's every move, they can keep track of their lives, their friends, and their grades. Knowing with whom and where they hang out and setting curfews and check-in times are ways to keep track of your teen.

    Not Setting Expectations About Drugs

    • If you think that you know that your child/teen knows that drugs are wrong but you've never actually said that to them, think again. Tell them why drugs are bad and how addictive they can be. Set your expectations high in this regard -- they should never do drugs under any circumstances.

    Inconsistent Discipline

    • Inconsistently disciplining your teen means that sometimes you are very strict about one thing with them, and then the next week you let the same behavior slide without punishment. Make it clear to them that drugs will never be accepted in your home or their lives as long as they live with you and don't go back on your word.

    Family Conflict

    • Whenever a teenager is in a family full of conflict, they may turn to vices like drugs. Although all families do have struggles and problems, keep them away from your teen if possible. Family stress and drama, added to the normal stress and drama of high school, may cause the teen to pick up a vice or an addiction.

    A Parent's History

    • If a teenager's parent has been involved with drugs in the past or is still involved with drugs now, the teen may think that since the parent is doing it that it is okay if they do so as well. If the parent's substance abuse is in the past, the parent needs to sit down with the teenager and explain that what they did in the past was wrong and should not be repeated in their children's lives. If the substance abuse is still going on, then the parent needs to get help for their own addiction to not only help themselves, but their family as well.

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