Factors Leading to Teen Drug Abuse
Peer Pressure
Many teens do drugs because their friends do. Low self-esteem and a need to fit in can lead to teen drug use and abuse. Their friends are doing it, so they feel they need to fit in. After they become addicted, they tend to engage in negative, unpredictable behaviors and lose friends. The loss of friends then leads to depression, self-pity and more drug abuse. Picking the right groups of friends can mean the difference between a child who stays away from drugs and a child who ends up an addict.
Teens will often try drugs, alcohol and cigarettes just out of curiosity. Other people are doing it, so they want to know what it is like. The unfortunate thing is that if they like it once they try it, they are likely to keep doing it. Teen curiosity is a product of adolescence, when kids are trying to discover their own identity separate from their parents. This means that their curiosity may also be a form of rebelliousness.
Ease of Access
Drugs are easy to get, especially over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Parents with teens who have substance-abuse problems should keep prescription drugs out of the reach of their children. Teens attending parties may get offered drugs too. It is not always just about parents teaching children to make the right choices because kids will make whatever choices they want to in the end. The abuse of pain killers by teenagers is on the rise because they are easy to obtain.
Parental Issues
Whether it is because a teenager is spoiled and allowed to do whatever he wants without consequences, or if it is because a teen feels ignored and unloved by his parents, parents are responsible for their teens' actions and may be the intended cause of the child's drug abuse. Teens will rebel against rules and they will find ways to get the attention that is lacking at home -- even if it is the wrong kind of attention. Drug abuse can start because of a dysfunctional relationship between teens and parents.