How to Cope With Teen Drug Abuse
Get support for the entire family. When a teenager in a household is abusing drugs, it is not just that teenager who suffers. The rest of the family feels the stress and the pain. Get friends and family members who are outside the household to help out. All they need to do is give support, a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen. Consider getting the teen into a treatment program, visiting a substance abuse meeting (like Alcoholics Anonymous) and getting church support.
Communicate with each other. The Adolescent Substance Abuse Knowledge Base suggest that communication is the most important step in coping with substance abuse. Go over the negatives of drug use with the abusing teen as well as the rest of the family. Communication is also where people will learn the early effects of drug and alcohol abuse. If a person is not communicating with her children, she may not see the problems until it is too late.
Remind everyone that recovery will not happen overnight. Teens do not get addicted to drugs in just one night, so they will not lose their addiction that quickly. Each person in the family circle must practice patience. Cope with stressful situations by talking about them. Everyone needs a break from the madness. One step may be taking a break from the family and getting out of the house for even a little while.