Is My Toddler Typical?
12-15 Months
* Pulls to stand, stands alone
* Walks while holding onto furniture or your hand
* May take a few steps alone
* Points
* Says a few simple words like "mama" and "dada"
* Scribbles with a crayon
* Puts objects into a container and takes them back out
* Feeds self with a spoon
* Drinks from a cup with help
18-24 Months
* Walks confidently
* Climbs on furniture
* May run
* Says several simple words
* Follows simple instructions
* Turns pages in a book
* Builds towers with blocks
* Plays pretend
* Puts shoes on and off (may need help)
* Goes up and down stairs with help
24-30 Months
* Runs, walks up and down stairs without help, kicks a ball, throws a ball overhead
* Says two or more words together
* Asks for what he wants
* Answers simple questions
* Follows complex instructions
* Scribbles, makes circular marks, and holds crayon with whole hand
* Builds towers of six blocks or more
* Plays with puzzles
* Washes and dries their hands
* Flushes the toilet
* Helps dress and undress self
If you are concerned that your toddler is not meeting any of these milestones, it's important to talk to your child's doctor or developmental specialist. They can assess your child and provide you with resources and support.