Why Babies Get Upset
Hunger: Babies need to eat frequently, and when they are hungry, they will often cry or fuss.
Tiredness: Babies need a lot of sleep, and when they are tired, they may become cranky or irritable.
Discomfort: Babies may feel uncomfortable if they are too hot, too cold, or have a wet diaper. They may also be uncomfortable if they are gassy or have a tummy ache.
Boredom: Babies need stimulation, and when they are bored, they may cry or fuss.
Separation anxiety: Babies may become upset when they are separated from their parents or other caregivers.
Teething: Teething can be a painful process, and babies may cry or fuss when they are teething.
Illness: Babies may become upset if they are sick.
Colic: Colic is a condition that causes babies to cry for long periods of time for no apparent reason.
It is important to note that babies do not always cry because they are upset. They may also cry to communicate other needs, such as a need for attention or comfort. If you are not sure why your baby is crying, it is always best to check to see if they are hungry, tired, uncomfortable, bored, or separated from you. If none of these things are the cause of the crying, you may want to talk to your doctor to rule out any other possible causes.