How does a single mom tell her son about puberty?
Mom: Hey sweetheart, I want to talk to you about something important. Do you know what puberty is?
Son: No, what's that?
Mom: Puberty is a time when your body goes through a lot of changes. It's when you start to grow hair on your face and in other places, your voice gets deeper, and your muscles get bigger.
Son: Oh. That sounds weird.
Mom: It's not weird. It's natural. Everyone goes through puberty, although they might not all go through it at the same time.
Son: So, what else happens during puberty?
Mom: Well, your emotions might start to feel stronger, and you might get mood swings. You might also start to have wet dreams, which are when boys and men have erections and release sperm in their sleep. It is important to know that these dreams are normal and part of puberty. Also remember not to be embarrassed about these changes and know that you can always talk to me or another trusted adult if you have questions or concerns.
Son: Wet dreams? That's gross.
Mom: I know they might sound gross, but they're not. It's just your body's way of preparing for sex.
Son: I'm not ready for sex!
Mom: I know you're not. And you don't have to be. But I want you to be prepared when the time comes.
Son: Thanks, Mom. I'm glad we talked about this.
Mom: Me too. I'm here for you whenever you want to talk more.
Son: I know, Mom. Thanks.