If you toddler is not eating what might be the cause and should immediately seek medical advice?
* Illness: A toddler who is not eating may be sick with an infection, such as a cold or flu, or they may have a more serious medical condition, such as a gastrointestinal disorder or a food allergy.
* Teething: Teething can cause pain and discomfort, which can make it difficult for a toddler to eat.
* Developmental delays: Some toddlers who have developmental delays may have difficulty with feeding themselves or may not be interested in food.
* Stress: Stressful events, such as a change in routine, a new caregiver, or a family crisis, can affect a toddler's eating habits.
* Picky eating: Some toddlers are simply picky eaters and may refuse to eat certain foods or textures.
If your toddler is not eating, it is important to talk to your child's doctor to rule out any medical problems. Your doctor can also recommend ways to encourage your child to eat and help you develop a healthy feeding plan.
In some cases, a toddler who is not eating may need to be hospitalized for treatment. This is usually necessary if your child is severely dehydrated or malnourished.