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What is the difference between well-nourished child to malnourished child?
* Has a healthy weight for their height and age
* Is active and energetic
* Has a good appetite
* Eats a variety of foods
* Has clear skin and eyes
* Has healthy hair and nails
* Is not sick often
Malnourished child
* Is underweight for their height and age
* Is lethargic and weak
* Has a poor appetite
* Eats a limited variety of foods
* Has dry, flaky skin
* Has dull, brittle hair
* Is sick often
Malnutrition can lead to a number of health problems, including:
* Stunting (failure to grow to full height)
* Wasting (loss of muscle mass and body fat)
* Anemia
* Impaired cognitive development
* Increased risk of infection
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