What Is Considered a Fever in a Toddler?
A fever in a toddler is identified as a body temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Anything below this is just considered an elevated body temperature.
An upper respiratory tract infection is the most common cause of fever in toddlers; it is viral-caused and often must resolve itself. However, fever is a common sign of just about type of illness.
Many people believe that an elevated body temperature must always be treated with medication. Medication should generally only be used to resolve discomfort associated with a fever or if the temperature rises to 101 or higher.
If your child has the shivers along with a fever, the cause might be a bacterial infection, in which case he needs to be seen by a doctor.
If your child has a sustained fever or 101.3 or higher and is showing signs of discomfort, the most common medications for fever are acetaminophen, sold under the brand name Tylenol, and ibuprofen, sold under the brand name Motrin.