How to Tell If Your Toddler Has a Urinary Tract Infection
Things You'll Need
- Physical examination
- Urine test
Visit the pediatrician. Your toddler will need a physical examination and urine test to determine if he or she has a UTI. If your toddler is not toilet trained, your doctor may need to attach a urine collection bag to his or her skin and wait for him or her to urinate. The doctor will then collect the urine from the bag and perform a urinalysis to check for infection. Your doctor will also look at the urine to see if it looks different from normal, clear, straw-colored urine.
Monitor smells. When children have UTIs, the bacteria cause foul-smelling urine. If your toddler's urine has a strong, bad or fishy odor, call your doctor.
Watch for fever. If your toddler has a fever, he or she is fighting an infection. If the fever is not accompanied by a cold, cough or earache, he or she may have a urinary tract infection. Report the elevated temperature to your doctor.
Check for blood. Urinary tract infections frequently cause blood in the urine. Check your toddler's urine for blood or check to see if the inside of his diaper has pink or red spots in it.
Watch for crying. UTIs cause pain and burning on urination. They can also cause abdominal, back and side pain. Monitor your toddler for pain and crying when passing urine. Even if your toddler does not have pain, a urinary tract infection may cause him or her to feel sick and cranky.