Toddler Chicken Pox Symptoms
Time Frame
After a toddler has been exposed to the chicken pox virus, it usually takes between 10 and 21 days for symptoms to appear. The illness lasts for about a week.
Initial Symptoms
The first signs of chicken pox include decreased appetite, a low-grade fever and fatigue. These symptoms might initially be mild and go unnoticed by parents. There can also be a headache and runny nose.
The telltale chicken pox rash starts on the head and trunk, then spreads to the arms and legs. There are small red spots that are itchy. They develop blisters and break open.
Toddlers can be made more comfortable by taking acetaminophen for the fever. Baths and loose clothing might relieve itchiness. Keep fingernails short to reduce scratching, which can cause infection and scarring.
The Varivax vaccine is routinely given to young toddlers at doctor appointments unless parents specifically refuse it. This vaccine prevents most, but not all, cases of chicken pox.