Foods to Stop Acid Reflux in Toddlers
Meal Size and Snacks
Meal size is even more important than the food served. Give the child small meals, with snacks in between. Overeating and too-full stomachs can cause improper digestion. Small snacks can keep the child nourished without "over-filling" him. When a child eats too much, acid reflux can be caused by stomach churning.
No Junk Food
Avoid junk foods that are high in fat and sugar. Unbalanced meals with little nourishment are unhealthy for a child's developing body and unfamiliar stomach. With acid reflux, it is more about what your child should not eat rather than what she should eat.
Say "No" to Soda
Though sweet and a favored treat, soda can be unhealthy for a child with acid reflux issues. The carbonation mixed with low nutrition and high sugars can cause increased acid reflux, which can damage a child's esophagus.