Stomach Virus Symptoms in Toddlers
Diarrhea is a common symptom of stomach viruses in toddlers and may cause them to be excluded from child care centers. To be considered diarrhea, a toddler must have several loose, watery stools within a 24-hour period. Stomach viruses can easily spread to others through changing of toddlers' diapers or training pants and a lack of hand washing.
Nausea and vomiting are stomach virus symptoms in toddlers that may also require them to stay home from daycare. Toddlers may vomit any foods they are given while sick with a stomach virus. If a toddler begins vomiting blood, this may be a sign of a serious complication and requires urgent medical treatment.
Dehydration is a symptom of stomach viruses in toddlers that results from vomiting and diarrhea and lasts for more than a day or two. Toddlers may have signs of dehydration such as a dry mouth, dry eyes and a lack of urination. Dehydration in toddlers can quickly become serious and may require medical intervention to avoid complications.
Toddlers with a stomach virus may not be able to tell parents or caregivers what hurts. However, stomach viruses may cause headaches and body aches in toddlers. Toddlers may also experience abdominal pain and cramping due to having a stomach virus.
Stomach viruses can wear the body out, especially in young children who have weaker immune systems than adults do. Toddlers may show symptoms such as fatigue and listlessness when sick with a stomach virus. Children who are usually full of energy may have little or no interest in playing or other activities due to having a stomach virus.
Most viruses cause a fever as a result of infection, and infants, toddlers and children often experience higher fevers than adults. Toddlers with a stomach virus may show symptoms such as a fever of 100 degrees, along with sweating and chills. A fever of 102 degrees or higher in a toddler is a medical emergency that requires treatment.
A stomach virus may cause toddlers to have mood changes as a result of not feeling well. Toddlers may become cranky or irritable while sick with a stomach virus. Other mood changes that toddlers may experience include restlessness and clinginess with parents or caregivers.