Natural Cures for Toddler Congestion
Saline nasal drops are a natural cure for nasal congestion. Place saline drops inside your toddler's nose. Then, use a bulb syringe to suck out any mucus. Your toddler will not like this part. Have someone help you or try a battery operated nasal aspirator. Do this once or twice a day. If you do it much more than that, you can dry out your toddler's nose and cause irritation.
Dry air can cause nasal congestion. Use a cool mist humidifier at night while your toddler sleeps to help relieve congestion. These are especially great to use during cold, dry weather. Cool mist humidifiers do not cause burns, unlike a steam humidifier or vaporizer. They put moisture back in the air. Be sure to clean your humidifier regularly to prevent mold and bacteria from growing.
Honey is a natural cure for congestion. Raw honey works best. It soothes a dry, itchy throat and coats the chest as well. It has antibacterial properties too. Give ½ teaspoon every four to six hours. If your toddler will not take it from a spoon, try putting it in an oral syringe. Do not give honey to children under one year of age. It can cause botulism.
Nighttime Relief
Place a pillow under your toddler's mattress to elevate his head. This will help alleviate congestion and allow your toddler to sleep. If your toddler sleeps with a pillow, you can also give her an extra pillow to elevate her head. You can also use Vick's Baby Rub. Rub it on his chest and feet. Be sure not to use regular Vick's Vapor Rub. It is not safe for children under two.
One more thing you can do is to make sure your toddler drinks plenty of fluids. Extra fluids will help thin out mucus in her body. It will also help prevent dehydration. If your toddler is refusing to drink extra fluids, try giving him a couple of extra servings of fruit. Try apples, oranges or melon since they have lots of juice in them.