How to Use a Vicks Speed Read Thermometer
Things You'll Need
- Vicks Speed Read Thermometer
Press the button next to the digital screen on the Vick's Speed Read thermometer to turn it on. It will be a greenish-blue color.
Place the thermometer far back under your tongue as soon as you press the button to turn it on. Close your mouth. Keep your tongue over the tip of the thermometer.
Wait for the beep and then remove the thermometer from your mouth. This should take 15 seconds.
Read the digital screen. If it says 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or less, then your temperature is normal. If the temperature reads 98.7 to 100.8 degrees Fahrenheit, you are considered to have a low grade fever. It if it reads anything above 100.9, you should contact your doctor or seek emergency treatment.
Add a degree to the reading on the digital thermometer if you took the temperature under the arm. Subtract a degree if you took the temperature rectally.