How to Cure a Baby's Runny Nose
Things You'll Need
- Neti Pot
Combine a mixture of 1 part saline and 3 parts warm water. Use a Neti Pot to pour the solution in the baby's nose. To remove excess fluid and stop the baby's nose from dripping anymore, use a bulb syringe to clear the nose.
Use a bulb syringe alone. Deflate the bulb syringe by pushing out any air and then gently insert it into the baby's nose. Use the bulb syringe to "blow" the baby's nose and clear any additional mucus.
Prevent seepage by propping up the mattress in the baby's crib. Dr. Baker recommends propping up the mattress about 18 inches using several pillows. This technique will encourage proper drainage of fluid from the nose.
Prevent cold air from entering the baby's chest cavity. Lee D. Eisenberg, M.D., assistant professor of otolaryngology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, suggests covering the baby's nose and mouth with a light silk scarf. He says this method warms the air and helps to prevent nasal drip.
Wipe the baby's nose and discard each tissue immediately. Use an ointment to moisturize the mouth and nose, and to prevent irritation.