How to Ease the Pain of Hemorrhoids in Toddlers
Use medicated hemorrhoid pads to ease the itching and burning. Talk to your toddler's doctor before using medicated pads on him.
Let your toddler soak in a warm sitz bath to provide some relief from the discomfort of her hemorrhoids. A sitz bath is a small tub that fits over your toilet seat, and can be purchased at your local drug or medical-supply store.
Help your toddler apply a cold compress to his rectal area to ease the intense burning of his hemorrhoids.
Keep your toddler’s diet rich in fiber and give her plenty of water. This will keep her from becoming constipated and causing her hemorrhoids to become worse.
Encourage your toddler to lie down as much as possible until his hemorrhoids subside. Standing and sitting for extended periods of time places pressure on swollen anal veins, and may cause hemorrhoids to become more uncomfortable.
Offer your toddler a soft pillow to sit on, to prevent hard surfaces from putting unnecessary pressure on her rectum and aggravating her hemorrhoids any further.
Contact your toddler’s doctor if his hemorrhoids are accompanied by bleeding of the rectum, as this could indicate something more serious.