How to Cure a Yeast Infection in a Toddler
Things You'll Need
- Anti-fungal cream
- Vinegar
- Baby powder
- Warm bath
Make a distinction between a diaper rash and a yeast infection. Yeast infections are often confused with diaper rashes. The symptoms are similar, however, yeast infections can be severe and cause extreme discomfort. A diaper rash can appear suddenly and disappear within a couple of hours or days. Yeast infections develop gradually and toddlers may have white spots on their bottom.
Apply a topical anti-fungal cream. Over-the-counter anti-fungal creams can effectively treat toddler and infant yeast infections. These medications contain active ingredients to kill the bacteria and soothe the toddler’s skin.
Keep the diaper area dry. To cure and prevent future yeast infections, the toddler’s diaper area should remain dry at all times. Bacterium thrives in warm, wet areas. Keeping a soiled diaper on a toddler for several hours increases the risk of developing a diaper rash or yeast infection. Applying powder after every diaper change helps maintain dryness.
Bathe toddlers in vinegar. A natural treatment for toddler yeast infections is a vinegar bath. Fill a tub with warm water and add a half-cup of vinegar. Vinegar is a safe and natural cleaner and it can kill different types of mold, bacteria and fungus.
Visit a doctor. If a toddler’s yeast infection doesn’t improve within a few days, make a doctor’s appointment. Severe infections require a prescription anti-fungal medication.