How to Stop Trapped Gas in Toddlers
Gas is a common complaint in babies and toddlers; their digestive systems are still immature and adapting to the new foods being added to their diet. While gas is rarely a cause for concern, it can result in discomfort for your toddler. Complaints of stomach pain or refusing to eat are possible signs of trapped gas. If your toddler suffers from occasional trapped gas, you can help relieve it at home.Instructions
Pay attention to what your child is eating. Make note of any food that seems to precede trapped gas in your child. Eliminate suspicious foods from your child's diet, one-by-one, to see if the gas problem improves. High fiber or high fat foods are common causes of gas; You may need to limit these in your child's diet.
Avoid juice and carbonated beverages, both of which can cause gas. Offer your toddler more water to drink instead; water will help keep the digestive system moving.
Teach your toddler to eat slowly and remain seated while eating. Children who run around while eating, or eat too quickly swallow more air, which leads to more gas. Encourage careful chewing and swallowing of food.
If gas does occur, have your child lie on the floor and gently massage her tummy to help get the trapped gas moving. Use gentle, smooth strokes. You can also rotate your toddler's legs as though they were riding a bicycle, to relieve gas.
For occasional gas, you can use over-the-counter anti-gas drops. Follow the package dosing directions for your child's age and weight.