How to Use a CPR Bag Mask Device for a Child
Things You'll Need
- bag valve mask device
- child mask
- oxygen supply tubing
- oxygen source
You have discovered a child who is not breathing. Open her airway by tilting her head back and lifting her chin.
At least 12 liters of oxygen flow is needed to fill the bag. Connect the mask to the bag valve device. Connect the oxygen supply tubing to the bag-mask and the other end to the oxygen source. Turn the oxygen supply up to 12L, or liters.
Position yourself at the child's head. This is the best position from which to secure her mask.
Mask Placement
Place the mask over her nose and mouth. Place it over her nose first, then her chin. Use the E-C method (described in the next two steps) for a good seal when securing the mask.
Using the thumb and forefinger of either hand, grasp the top of the mask where it meets the bag valve. Firmly press the mask to the child's face. Your thumb and forefinger form a "C."
Place your middle, ring and pinky fingers from the same hand on the hard edge of the child's lower jaw. This is the "E" and it allows you to hold her head so the airway stays open.
Get Oxygen Flowing
Grab the bag with your free hand and squeeze with a quick, purposeful movement. Watch for the child's chest to rise. If it does not, reposition her head and squeeze a little harder, again watching for her chest to rise.
Once you establish that her chest is rising, maintain the mask seal and squeeze the bag every three to five seconds. Continue to do this until relieved by professional personnel or the child starts to breathe on her own.
Give five cycles of one breath every three to five seconds for approximately two minutes, then call for help.