Toddler Brain Surgery Recovery
Your child will be watched closely in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) immediately after surgery. He or she will likely be given IV fluids as well as pain medications. The patient's intracranial pressure and vital signs will be monitored by doctors and nurses. They may also perform several neurologic examinations on your toddler to be sure there are no complications developing. Sutures in your child's scalp are typically removed in about a week after surgery. Depending on your child, the specific procedure performed and the recovery, he or she may spend some time in a rehabilitation center. Your child's doctor may prescribe anticonvulsants to help prevent seizures, or steroids to combat swelling.
Your toddler will likely be in the hospital for several days. The stay may be longer for children who had a tumor removed from the lower or deeper section of the brain. Doctors may recommend your child undergo additional treatment such as chemotherapy.
Blood Flow
If your child has suffered a stroke, hematoma or hemorrhage in the brain, recovery typically involves preventing another stroke. Prevention is ongoing. Permanent damage is a possibility. According to the Center for Neuro Skills, brain injury is the most frequent cause of disability and death among children in the United States.
Hydrocephalus sometimes occurs in children, sometimes immediately after birth. The condition is an abnormal buildup of cerebrospinal fluid, which can be caused by various infections. Surgery may involve putting in a shunt to redirect the fluid away from the brain. Your child will likely need several follow-up appointments during recovery to make sure the shunt is working correctly. Shunts may become clogged or otherwise fail to work.
Extended Recovery Times
Your child may lose memory, speech or understanding. He or she may experience weakness and nerve paralysis. These complications may be temporary or even permanent. Children may suffer from headaches after surgery, which may take time to fade as the brain heals. Try to prevent your child from scratching the incision site as it may become itchy as it heals. Also watch your toddler for symptoms such as fever, drainage from the incision, stuff neck, severe headaches or seizure. Call your doctor if your child experiences severe or abnormal symptoms.