What can you do if the other woman continues to wreak havoc in your life after emotional affair is ended?

Seek legal advice. If the other woman's behavior constitutes stalking or harassment, you may have legal options available to you. A lawyer can help you assess your situation and determine what steps you can take to protect yourself.

Document everything. Keep a record of all interactions with the other woman, including emails, text messages, phone calls, and social media posts. This documentation can be helpful if you need to take legal action or simply to demonstrate the pattern of behavior.

Set boundaries. Don't be afraid to block the other woman from your phone, email, and social media accounts. If you have children in common, you may need to discuss with your co-parent how to minimize contact without harming the children.

Don't retaliate. It can be tempting to retaliate against the other woman, but this can only make things worse. It's best to be the bigger person and focus on taking care of yourself.

Talk to a therapist. Dealing with an ongoing emotional affair can be confusing and difficult to work through on your own. Talking to a therapist can help you process your emotions and develop coping skills.

Trust yourself. If you're feeling anxious or depressed about the other woman's behavior, trust your gut. Your instincts are often the best indication that something is wrong. Don't ignore your feelings—seek help if you need it.

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