Reasons for a Missed Menses
Weight Fluctuations
Excessive weight loss or gain can result in a missed period. An increase or decrease in body fat percentage results in a change in the body's hormone levels. Estrogen, an important reproductive hormone, is one hormone affected by weight changes. One-third of the body's estrogen is produced in the fat tissue. Excessive increases or decreases in body fat result in increases or decreases in estrogen levels, which can cause missed or delayed ovulation. Women experiencing irregular periods due to changes in weight should attempt to achieve a healthy body weight. Returning to a normal body weight may remedy irregular menses.
Emotional Stress
Emotional stress can also result in a missed menstrual cycle. Stress can affect the body in many ways, including fluctuations in hormone production. Stress causes the body to produce higher levels of cortisol, which impacts the sex hormones. This change in the body's hormone levels can result in missed or irregular periods. Taking steps to reduce your stress level can help your body return to its normal cycle. Using coping mechanisms such as meditation, exercise or therapy can help you reduce your stress level and return to your regular menstrual cycle.
Excessive Exercise
Women who regularly participate in rigorous exercise or athletic training may experience missed periods. Athletes such as long-distance runners and gymnasts, as well as dancers, may experience missed periods or irregular menses. This is due to several factors, including reduced body fat percentage, increased stress and the high levels of energy expended during the activity. In young athletes, strenuous exercise can result in delayed menstruation. Decreasing the level of exercise may help a woman experiencing irregular menses due to physical training return to a normal cycle.
Birth Control
Women who use birth control medications as a form of contraception may experience missed periods. Birth control medications that contain progesterone can be the cause. Irregular periods are a common symptom of birth control use, and so is not necessarily a cause for alarm. Women who discontinue use of birth control may also experience missed or irregular periods. According to Planned Parenthood, a woman may experience irregular periods for as many as six months after discontinuing the use of birth control.