Foods to Remove Water Retention

Water retention is unpleasant. You have to squeeze into your clothing and are uncomfortable all day. Water retention can be the result of what you are eating or not eating. Consider changing your diet as a means of losing that water weight.
  1. Foods That Work

    • Foods that naturally serve as diuretics, which promote urination, include coffee, asparagus, corn, cranberry juice, grapes, watermelon, Brussel sprouts, tomatoes, onions, celery, watercress, cabbage, beets, peppers, carrots and parsley. Milk and citrus juice also help expel fluids due to their high content of vitamins C and A. Fruits are good diuretics because they contain potassium, which balances the sodium and keeps things moving along in your body. Try melons and citrus, specifically. Vegetables that are rich in potassium, such as carrots, lettuce, cucumbers and onions, are also beneficial in helping with water retention. Eat some whole grain carbohydrates (pasta, potatoes, rice) rather than wheat products, and take a calcium supplement every day until you notice that you have stopped retaining water.

    Other Alternatives

    • Ginger, juniper, fennel, apple cider vinegar, dandelions and garlic are also natural diuretics. Eating yogurt will help your overall digestive system because it contains good bacteria cultures. This helps to regulate you and eliminates bloating and water retention.

    Things to Avoid

    • If you are having a problem with water retention, don't smoke and don't drink alcohol because this will make water retention worse.

    Water and More Water

    • Drink plenty of water, which may seem counter-intuitive, but it's not. Water helps quickly flush sodium and salt through and out of your body, which reduces the amount of water you will retain. The more hydrated your body is, the less likely you are going to retain fluids.

    Culprits: Salt and Sodium

    • When you consume too much salt and sodium, your body slows down the process of eliminating fluid. Processed foods have a lot of sodium in them so you should avoid them, advises Instead of using salt, use alternative flavorings such as lemon juice.

    The Foods You Eat and Other Possibilities

    • When you eat certain foods, this can slow down the function of your kidneys, which then makes you retain water. If your kidneys are functioning properly you aren't as likely to experience water weight gain. Your fluid retention could be the outcome of protein deficiency, or anemia. Depending on the types of foods you eat, you may have a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Get input from your physician.

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