The Advantages of Getting a D&C
D&C Procedure
During a D&C procedure, a doctor uses a speculum to open the vagina and show the cervix. The cervix is then dilated using thin rods that open the cervix enough to insert a curette, a spoon-shaped object used to scrape tissue. After the tissue is collected, the physician removes the curette, rods and speculum. A pathologist then examines the tissue. The procedure typically takes between 15 and 30 minutes, according to With the exception of sexual activity, patients can resume normal activities within two days.
Treat and Diagnose Uterine Conditions
The dilation and curettage procedure can help find the cause of ailments such as excessive bleeding, intense menstrual pain and abnormal uterine cells. Physicians test tissue samples for polyps, cancer and endometrial hyperplasia. Endometrial hyperplasia occurs when the lining of the uterus becomes abnormally thick. According to, this condition may be a precursor to cancer. A physician can remove any polyps during the D&C.
Treat Complications Due to Childbirth
A D&C can help the body heal after childbirth. Sometimes pieces of the placenta stick to the endometrium after delivery. If left behind, these pieces may cause an infection or prevent proper healing. The D&C procedure reduces that risk by removing placenta fragments. In the case of a miscarriage, this procedure may assist women in becoming pregnant again, according to
Side Effects
Whether done on an outpatient or inpatient basis, every surgical procedure comes with some after-effects. Because the physician usually administers anesthesia, patients may experience nausea, vomiting and drowsiness, according to Mild cramping and slight bleeding may occur because of the procedure itself. Some women may miss their next menstrual period because of the removal of the uterine lining.
Women who experience fever, chills, severe stomach pain or a foul-smelling discharge should contact a health care provider immediately, according to Cooper University Hospital. Although rare, an infection may develop after a D&C. The cervix or uterus may also be damaged during the procedure.