Cures for Hot Sweats
Battle your hot flashes by taking the natural approach. Take vitamin E. You may find, as have many women, that it reduces the frequency of hot sweats.
Herbal medicine is called phytotherapy and the objective is to establish hormonal balance. When Black Cohosh is used with red clover and kudzu it creates an isoflavone--glycoside complex that is very powerful and lessens the severity of symptoms associated with menopause, including hot flashes.
Black cohosh is a herb that is regularly used to treat hot sweats. Once again, side effects can occur. These can include vomiting, nausea and gastric pain. An herb called dong quai may help lessen the hot flashes, although it may be a carcinogen because it contains psoralen, a known carcinogen.
Chasteberrry, wild yam and passionflower possess flavonoids that act as if they are progesterone, which is a female sex hormone that diminishes in supply, like estrogen, when a woman is close to or in menopause.
Estrogen and ProgesteroneTherapy
The Mayo Clinic reports that estrogen therapy is the best way to treat hot sweats. But an increased risk of breast cancer and other potential health risks. causes some women to decline hormone therapy. Taking progesterone and estrogen hormone therapy protects the lining of the uterus from endometrial cancer. If you are at risk for heart disease consider weigh the risks before taking any kind of hormonal therapy. Some doctors prescribe progesterone alone to control hot flashes. Women who use natural progesterone cream report a significant reduction in hot sweats. This requires a prescription from your doctor.
Antidepressants and Blood Pressure Medications
Antidepressants can be used to combat hot sweats as can Clonidine, which is used to treat high blood pressure. All medicines have side effects so this must be taken into consideration.
Soy may be good for reducing hot flashes, although the evidence is still a bit contradictory and inconclusive, explains
Your Diet
Avoid coffee, spicy foods and alcohol, all of which may make an impact on your hot flashes. Stress is going to make hot sweats occur so learn to manage your stress and anxiety.