The Top 10 Things Women Worry About
Fitting It All In
Women worry about getting it all done. There are so many things that are pulling on a woman's attention: work, kids and family. She often worries that there will not be enough time to get everything done in a day. Some women become compulsive schedulers. Some just go nonstop from morning until nighttime. Women always worry about getting everything done and meeting everyone else's needs. They often don't schedule any time for their own.
Children are a worry on the minds of women from even before she has them. Many women worry about fertility and if they are getting too old to have children. Then they worry about their pregnancy and if everything is going as it should. Of course, after the child is born, the woman worries about the kid more than she worries about anything else in her life. Children are a primary cause of worry in a woman's life because she is so caught up in the process of having children and caring for them.
Current Events
The world is a scary place, and current events often top the list of worries in women's minds. Women worry about sending their children off to school after hearing about school shootings and the effects of bullying in the news. She will also be concerned with the world she is bringing her children up in and how to explain the scary situations to her children. Of course, she may not think of current events often, but a woman will worry about them whenever she flips on the news.
Women worry about germs because they are usually responsible for cleaning the house and taking care of sick family members. The word "antibacterial" on a product is almost a sure way to get her to buy something. With so many strands of super bugs out there, a woman cannot help but worry about how those bugs can effect her and her family. She is probably well aware of the overuse of prescription antibiotics and worries that the other mothers don't teach their kids to wash their hands as well.
All women obsess about their appearance in one form or another. Whether it is their hair or their body, women seem almost hardwired to be fixated on their outward form. Diets and fashion are just two ways that women take that worry and make it manifest. Women work out hard at the gym and try to follow the latest diets to make their bodies look better. A woman will also spend a lot of time fussing with her hair to get it just right and will worry about it, too. It is just one of many worries.
Women worry about their health. In addition to working out for the sake of their appearance, women also work out because they know how vital it is to their health. They worry about every little thing in their own health and wellness and that of their family. Women promote the taking of vitamins and are on constant alert for any symptoms of illness in their bodies. They will then hit the Internet to find out if it is something that they really need to worry about.
Work is the other side of a woman's life of worry. She is a caretaker in her family, but she is also a professional. She has to worry about getting her job done and getting it done well. Her worries center around whether she is doing her job well enough to get a promotion or whether she is juggling her job and family life well enough. Women often feel they are pulled in two different directions by these forces. That makes women worry that they are inadequate in both areas as a consequence.
Some women worry about their age because they often see it as a measure of their worth. True, age is often caught up in the appearance factor, but it is also a question of a woman's standing in society. Older women are often placed in a bracket below their younger counterparts, and some women worry about getting older. This causes them to try various methods to resist the inevitable, such as wearing heavy make-up, dressing provocatively and resorting to plastic surgery.
The home is usually the domain of the woman, and many women take great pride in their homes. For that reason, it becomes a source of worry for them. They worry whether it is clean enough or whether the decorating is just right. If there is a problem with the house structurally, they will worry about that, too. A woman's job around the house is never done because there are always chores to keep her busy. Whether it is laundry, dishes or cleaning, the house is a constant source of worry.
Perhaps the greatest worry for both the sexes is finances. Money is in the forefront of everyone's mind, and women are no exception. In order for her family to function, it needs the money to make it work. When catastrophes strike, it creates a sense of worry in her about whether there is going to be enough money to cover the situation. She worries that she is making enough money to support her family and if she is going to need more money for their futures.